Interview Series: Josh Hooper from Landscape Techniques

Interview Series: Josh Hooper from Landscape Techniques

Interview Series: Josh Hooper from Landscape Techniques

Founded in 2002 by Director Josh Hooper, Landscape Techniques (LT) offers the ultimate experience in high-end landscape design and construction. With an exceptional team of in-house landscape designers, builders, stonemasons, paviours, carpenters and horticulturalists, LT’s vision is to deliver exquisite custom outdoor spaces that complement and enhance their clients’ lifestyle. 

LT are passionate about creating the highest quality landscapes, pools and outdoor rooms using the best materials available. They also maintain a focus on sustainability, using a range of eco-friendly products and landscaping techniques to minimise the impact on the earth.

We have a relaxed chat with Director Josh Hooper 

What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

Stretch, I am an early riser (normally before 5am) and I will complete a few minutes of stretching. I have two young daughters and so I am mindful of staying as quiet as possible that early in the morning.

Who is a person you consider 'successful' based on your own definition of success? Someone that is comfortable in their own skin and grounded. I find that all too often people are worried about how they will be perceived by others. We are all different, so let’s embrace it. Not getting too far ahead of yourself is something I value.  Success in all forms can get into people’s heads – I respect people who are able to stay grounded and humble.

What makes you most passionate about what you do – what do you find most fulfilling?

At first I loved working outdoors, then as the industry grew and we started down the road of landscape design, I fell in love with creating!!! I had always loved creating things, cooking, woodwork, tech studies etc. – I allowed that passion to flow into landscaping. I get the most satisfaction when I follow up with clients years after we have finished a project and find out that they are still in love with their outdoor space and using the areas regularly.

Best gardening or styling tip?

At LT, we enjoy drawing out the creative side of a client and adding something quirky that is unique to them. I like seeing the client getting some input into the design of their garden.

Tea or coffee?

Coffee, maybe a few too many!

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

There is no typical day for me. I have my morning routine of emails, quick two-minute tasks I didn’t get done the previous day, and I am really trying to get some or just one of the ‘tougher’ items that I am not as keen on tackling out of the way early in the day. I feel like I have already won when I get them out the way. Then, I am either working through site visits, catching up with the design team in the LT design office and talking to clients/trades/suppliers on the phone. It is really just a mixture of all those things put together throughout the day. At the moment, I am feeling my days are a little longer than usual, as a lot of clients are asking for after-hours teleconference calls. This is fine, but I am looking forward to resuming face-to-face meetings once more.

South Australia’s best kept secret?

I want to keep it a secret ! I love the entire coastline of SA. It’s so pristine and uncrowded.

What are one to three books/audiobooks/podcasts that have greatly influenced your life?

I am not a huge book reader, but when I do it is more personal development type books. Podcasts are my thing, with Joe Rogan, Tim Ferris, Ed Mylett and the Occ-Cast regulars. The one that stuck in my mind was an interview Ed Mylett did with Robert O’Neil, who is an American Navy Seal. It’s an incredible story of leadership, teamwork and passion. A good mate of mine recommended it to me and I listen to it every couple of months.

Instagram:  @landscape.techniques 

Interview date: May 2020 All images remain copyright to Landscape Techniques

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