20 Things You Might Not Know About Your Indoor Plant

20 Things You Might Not Know About Your Indoor Plant

20 Things You Might Not Know About Your Indoor Plant

Beyond their aesthetic appeal and ability to liven up any space, these green companions have some remarkable qualities that may surprise you. From their origin stories to their impact on your well-being, we've compiled 20 fascinating insights that will deepen your appreciation for these living wonders!

  1. The Monstera deliciosa is the most purchased indoor plant in Australia to date.

  2. The Fiddle Leaf Fig, Philodendron and Monstera are originally outdoor plants that are found in West Africa, the Caribbean and Mexico respectively.

  3. More online searches have been made regarding issues with their Fiddle Leaf Fig than any other plant worldwide.

  4. Dust can smother your plant by clogging up its pores and preventing it from photosynthesising.

  5. The best indoor plants for air purifying and carbon dioxide absorption are Peace Lilies, Devil’s Ivy, bamboo plants, and Mother-in-law’s Tongue.

  6. Plants talk to each other when they are under attack, in danger of overcrowding or even if they need to conserve energy due to changes in weather or watering conditions.

  7. Indoor Plants will grow healthier and faster when clustered together and regularly moved outdoors.

  8. If one of your plants is infected with a disease or pest, it is best to separate it from your healthy ones to prevent spreading.

  9. Indoor plants have been proven to reduce blood pressure, decrease stress and increase productivity.

  10. Patients who spend time in hospitals that have an abundance of plants and flowers tend to heal faster from surgery and require less recovery time from illness.

  11. It is proven that plants positively respond to certain vibrations that come from talking to them and playing jazz and classical styles of music.

  12. Homes with an abundance of indoor plants require less heating and cooling than homes that don’t have plants.

  13. Plants help reduce noise pollution by absorbing surrounding sound. Plants with larger stems and wider leaves are more effective.

  14. Indoor plants increase humidity which is beneficial for those of us who suffer from dry or itchy skin.

  15. Some indoor plants produce natural compounds such as calcium oxalates, alkaloids, cycasin and saponin which are toxic when ingested by humans and animals and can induce an allergic reaction, vomiting and diarrhea.

  16. Animal-safe indoor plants include Spider Plants, Bird’s Nest and Boston Ferns, Prayer Plants, and Calatheas.

  17. Vegetables like carrots, lettuce and most herbs can be grown indoors and in pots or vessels of water.

  18. The number one contributor to indoor plant death is overwatering. The best way to check if your plant requires water is to poke your finger into the soil.

  19. It takes longer for water to be absorbed by stones and pebbles than it does with premium-grade potting soil and can even prevent excess water from draining away.

  20. The most common misconception when it comes to indoor plants is that they will wilt, drop leaves, or turn yellow when unwell or dying. Plants often do this when they are hibernating during the colder months or when they want to focus on producing new growth.

You may also enjoy reading about how to repot your Fiddle Leaf Fig.