Hand holding a bottle of The Balcony Garden Liquid Plant Food against a vibrant green grass background

Liquid Plant Food

Thanks for being one of the first to try our brand new Liquid Plant Food.

Keen to learn more? Keep scrolling to get the low down on why your plants will LOVE this stuff!

Available in a 100ml dropper bottle and a 500ml pump bottle.

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Directions for use

1. Gently swirl bottle so the product mixes

2. Now it's time to dilute in water. Add 2-4ml of Liquid Plant Food per litre of water

3. Can be applied to foliage (after diluting) but for best results apply to soil/potting mix

4. Established plants and garden beds apply every 2-4 weeks all year round

5. For vegetables, herbs, fruit etc. apply weekly during growing period

Dont panic, it wont smell once diluted and applied!